In this video we explain about Preliminary theory of computing and cloud computing.
In Preliminary section there are sub-explanations, such as Theory of computing and Implementation of Computing in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Economic, Geography and Geology
In Cloud Computing section there are sub-explanations, such as what is cloud computing, grid computing, virtualization, distributive computation in computing, map reduce and NoSQL, and NoSQL and database
For further information about both of the topic just click link our video, below!
-cheers and happy watching.-
Team 1 (4IA18) :
- Adhityo Dewandoro (50414229)
- Bagas Pratama (51414967)
- Dimas Pujakesuma (53414115)
- Hendri Prasetyo (54414895)
- Mutia Linton (57414663)
- Rian Malik T (59414222)
- Yunita Aulia (5c414590)
Informatics Engineering
Gunadarma University
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